A short guide to interim orders in Cyprus (Part A)

By virtue of Cyprus’s position as well-known corporate and administrative services centre that has, over the last 30 or so years, proved an extremely popular venue to the former Eastern Block countries especially, companies registered in Cyprus often find themselves embroiled in multijurisdictional legal disputes. Sometimes the Cypriot company is at the centre of the dispute, other times it is on the fringes. Whatever the case may be, parties will sooner or later find themselves before the Cypriot Courts and, most often than not, their first experience of the Cypriot legal system comes through either applying for or resisting an interim order (aka an interim injunction).

First off, the term interim order and interim injunction is, nowadays, interchangeable. Both terms mean the same thing i.e. a discretionary interlocutory equitable remedy granted by the Court in the interim, the interim being the time before final judgement on the merits of the case.

One of the first questions clients ask once they have given a description of their case is whether they can obtain an interim order against their adversary. It is true that an interim order, once obtained and maintained, is an important step in the right direction because it can have a pivotal significance on the overall outcome of a case. In multijurisdictional disputes, an interim order issued by a Cypriot court could drastically affect proceedings not only in Cyprus but in other jurisdictions too. It is thus a highly coveted and bitterly contested legal tool.

Cypriot Courts do not issue interim orders readily or in a haphazard fashion. A Court will only issue an interim order once the party applying for it has convinced the Court that a certain set of legal and factual requirements have been fulfilled. The Court’s authority to issue interim orders is derived mainly (other legislative provisions also come into play) from Article 32 of the Courts of Justice Act, Law no.14/1960.  Before an interim order is granted a Court must be convinced that a set of three requirements have been fulfilled cumulatively. These requirements are:

First requirement: a serious issue to be tried

The first requirement is that there is a serious issue to be tried. Case law has interpreted this requirement quite liberally. In essence Courts have interpreted this requirement as meaning that the action must not be “frivolous or vexatious”. Cypriot courts follow, to some extent, the English judgment in the case of American Cyanamid Co v Ethicon, 1975, 1 All ER 504 HL in which it was explicitly stated that a serious issue to be tried should not be taken to mean a prima facie case and that the threshold of showing a serious issue to be tried was lower than that of showing a prima facie case.

In short, almost all applications for interim orders manage to surmount this first hurdle.

Second requirement: a probability that the applicant is entitled to relief

Once the Court is satisfied that the first requirement has been met it will move on to the second requirement which is that the applicant must demonstrate that there is a probability that he is entitled to relief. He must demonstrate this on the strength of the evidence adduced. The leading case on this requirement in the judgment of the Supreme Court of Cyprus in the case of Odysseos v Pieris Estates Ltd, 1982, 1 CLR 557. This judgment contains a passage which sums up how the Court’s determine if this requirement has been met. The passage states:

«a probability that the plaintiff is entitled to relief relates to something other than the complexion of the pleaded case of the applicant, and that could not be, in the context of this statutory provision, anything other than the evidential strength of the case of the plaintiff; that the standard required for the plaintiff to overcome the evidential hurdle is not very high; that he is only required to establish “a probability” of success; that the concept of “a probability” imports something more than a mere possibility but something much less than the “balance of probabilities”, the standard required for proof of a civil action; that legal probability is something different from a mathematical probability as the Court explained in Re J.S. (a minor), 1980, 1 AH E.R. 1061 (C.A.); that “a probability”, in the context of the proviso to s. 32(1), requires the applicant to demonstrate that he has a visible chance of success»

Understandably, this second requirement is somewhat harder to surmount that than the first requirement precisely because both the evidence relating to the case as well as the legal basis on which the case is grounded come into consideration by the Court. Having said that though, the requirement speaks of a probability of success and as long as the applicant can demonstrate this probability the Court will consider this second requirement fulfilled.

Third requirement: unless the interim order is granted it will be difficult or impossible for justice to be served at a later date.

Once the first two requirements are met the Court moves to examine the third and final requirement which is that the Court must be convinced that if it does not grant the interim order there will be a difficulty or impossibility of justice being served at a later stage.

This requirement is closely connected to the adequacy of damages in the monetary form. The Court will consider this requirement fulfilled if the applicant can show that unless the interim order is granted, a final judgment in his favour will most likely remain unsatisfied or that, unless the interim order is granted, a damage other than monetary damage will be caused to the applicant.

Cases in which there is a risk of alienation of property or other assets rendering execution of the final judgment difficult or impossible are instances in which the Court deems this requirement fulfilled.

This requirement is the most cumbersome to surmount because the applicant must show, with specificity, the damage other than mere pecuniary loss that will be brought upon him unless the interim order is granted. General and vague assertions of damage will not do. The applicant has to actually evidence the risk of damage to the Court.

The Court’s discretionary power

Once the three requirements have been fulfilled, the Court, before granting the interim order, looks to whether it should exercise its discretionary power to grant or refuse the interim order. Interim orders are a discretionary remedy borne out of the law of equity therefore a Court may exercise its discretionary power against the issuance of an interim order even if all the three requirements are fulfilled. The Court, in deciding how to exercise its discretionary power to grant or refuse an interim order seeks to convince itself that the “balance of justice” leans towards the interim order being granted. In adjudging the balance of justice, the Court looks balance the specific needs of the parties and/or the danger of injustice coming to the party against whom the interim order is issued if at a later stage it is proved that the interim order was wrongly issued.

Cyprus International Trusts – a snapshot of the Cyprus solution to the trust vehicle: purpose, flexibility, regulation, enforceability

An ideal tool for managing the wealth of individuals and families taking into consideration important matters such as tax optimization, asset protection and estate planning.

A Cyprus International Trust (CIT) has been traditionally used for various purposes such as:

• management of funds on behalf of others via a trustee

• organisation of collective investment and management of profit sharing and pension schemes

• tax optimization

• asset protection

• holding of property in the name of the trustee

• protection against spendthrifts and safeguarding of family capital for the next generation

• promotion of causes and charities

A CIT is a private arrangement between the relevant parties, with no requirements to disclose the trust deed or the names of the settlor or beneficiaries in any public domain and therefore retains a high level of confidentiality.

The concept of a “trust” is well-known, long-established and invariably enforced by the courts of Cyprus. Creation of a trust involves transfer of legal ownership of relevant assets to the trustee, who will hold, manage, dispose of and distribute the assets or realised proceeds to the beneficiaries, in accordance with the terms of the instrument creating the trust. The extent of the powers or discretion vested to the trustee and the extent of powers retained by the settlor or conferred upon a protector will be determined by the settlor during set-up.

A trust will qualify as a CIT if at least one of the trustees is a permanent resident of the Republic and the settlor and beneficiaries were not Cyprus tax residents in the year preceding the year of inception of the trust. There is generally great flexibility in setting up a CIT, such as the extent of discretion/power conferred on the trustee, ability to add assets, change beneficiaries, appoint a protector, change applicable law, validity in perpetuity etc. The flexibility, stability and history of the Cyprus legal framework coupled with low cost, professional experience, and regulation of the trustee’s role, whose services may only be provided by persons authorised for the purpose in accordance with the law, combine to comfort the settlor in entrusting the Cyprus trust-system.

A CIT benefits from the advantageous tax framework of Cyprus pursuant to which the trust itself will not be subject to tax as it is not afforded a separate legal personality, any income derived from sources outside the Republic will be exempt from Cypriot tax, whereas income realised by the trust will be considered as income of the beneficiaries who may be taxable in Cyprus on income derived from sources within the Republic, although tax assessment will be issued in the name of the trustee as a representative of the beneficiary.

Professional advice should be sought in all cases, to ensure a long-term solution in the preservation and growth of wealth, whilst balancing trustees’ discretion and control, having taken account of the settlor’s wishes but also the increasingly complex international regulatory framework which aims towards transparency and disclosure.

Latest amendments to the infrastructure of the Cyprus Registrar of Companies

Cyprus is a small European country whose economy largely relies on the services sector which is manned by highly qualified and experienced professionals and this is one of the reasons why the country has been established as a popular business hub. In the face of many challenges in recent years, the services sector in Cyprus has exhibited resilience and has strived for growth. Nowadays, in a rapidly evolving international business environment, largely reliant on technology, the lack of modern infrastructure and the often-excessive bureaucracy proves to be a significant obstacle for professionals in Cyprus.

In an effort to reduce bureaucracy and increase the efficiency within the much-criticized Registrar of Companies (“RoC”), the first steps towards modernizing the corporate legal framework have been made through the introduction in the past year of a number of amendments including the requirement for notifications and statutory forms to be filed the RoC electronically and the possibility to file documents with the RoC which are signed or certified or validated electronically, subject to the issue of regulations in this respect by the RoC. Recently, further amendments have been implemented in an effort to change the infrastructure of the RoC on a more extensive level.

The latest key amendments include the following:

  • Update of statutory forms

Over 100 existing statutory forms of the RoC have been revised to introduce simplified and user-friendly forms which will include guidance notes, aiming to reduce time-consuming correspondence with the RoC caused by unclarities. The changes include in particular (i) the merging of forms where this has been considered necessary, (ii) the removal of unnecessary information previously included in forms, such as the occupation and previous names of directors, and (iii) the introduction of new notification forms aiming to unify submissions to the RoC, such as the notification by the company directors of the decision to strike-off the company.

  • Abolition of capital duty

The capital duty payable on the authorized share capital and on any subsequent increase of share capital is abolished, an amendment which apart from being an incentive for investors, will lead to the simplification of the increase and reduction of capital of a company.

  • Electronic publications

An official gazette which shall be maintained by the RoC electronically is introduced, to allow for publications which would have been made in the official gazette of the Republic of Cyprus to be made on the RoC electronic gazette. This is a significant step towards efficiency and transparency as it will reduce time required for a publication and will give easier access to the public to information of interest in relation to companies.

  • Provisions relating to companies strike off

The provisions of the Companies Law, Cap.113, in relation to the strike off of companies from the companies register have been amended to allow creditors or members of a company to object to its striking-off, and to provide the power to the RoC to reinstate a company without a court order under certain circumstances.

  • Administrative Fines

Several provisions of the Companies Law have been amended to provide for the imposition of administrative fines in the case of late flings of statutory notifications to the RoC including notifications of allotment of shares, transfer of shares and filing of the annual return.

Even though the recent amendments include several provisions which are not directly aimed at modernizing the infrastructure of the RoC, these are considered to be a step in the right direction. Provided the amendments are properly implemented, they could be a much-needed shift to digitalization and a streamlining of the statutory requirements with the practical procedures of the RoC, in a way which is expected to reduce inconsistencies and bureaucracy and enable professionals in Cyprus to offer a higher quality of service to local and foreign investors.

What remains to be seen is whether the everyday implementation of the revised procedures will bring about the long-awaited improvements or whether they will result in further complications and backlog.